
Mass effect best looking armor
Mass effect best looking armor

Each camp’s armor and weapons have differences in attributes and behavior. The differences between research branches aren’t just aesthetic either. Those nonsensical glyphs at the top of the Research menu represent the Milky Way, Heleus, and Remnant branches of technology. Doing so is the most efficient way to get research points since the entire game world is littered with the stuff. I don’t like the scanner either, but whip it out in any new room and you’ll likely find some kind of technology to click on. But anomalies tend to hide satellites or unique objects that give you a handful of research points.

mass effect best looking armor

You don’t need to scour every planet in every system for resources. Free stuff is free stuff, and doesn’t require you to sit through the boring galaxy map flight sequences time and time again. In general, you should prioritize spending Andromeda Viability Points on anything that gives you resources at timed intervals. Spend AVP on upgrades that give you materials or increase your research gains.

Mass effect best looking armor